Contact Us

Contacting Putney in non-emergency situations:

Please call us during these regular hours if you have a question, need to provide us with updated information about how to reach you, or for any other non-emergency matter.

Non-Emergency Phone: (802) 387-5000

Regular Office Hours: Monday – Friday from 9:00 am – 5:00 PM

Contacting Putney in an absolute emergency:

Emergencies are rare occurrences, but we know that they do occasionally happen and we are well prepared for them. The emergency number provided below will directly reach us anytime, day or night. This is not an answering service; it is a direct line. It is therefore very important that we keep this line open and available for emergencies only.

Please do not block the emergency line by using this number for non-emergency calls.

For Emergencies Only: (917) 719-6802    

Please do call us during regular business hours if it is not a true emergency, as we are much better able to help you when we are prepared to answer your questions at the office!

Contacting Your Child during the program:

We urge you not to make too many phone calls to your son/daughter during this program (in fact, it is fine to go to Spain without a phone!). E-mail or text messaging (with no expectation for an immediate reply) is generally less disruptive to the goals of the program.  Please note that students spend most of the day outside, participating in activities, and are not available to receive phone calls.  For group updates you may always check the program blog and if you have specific, non-emergency questions, email the Wayland teachers, who will do their best to respond within 24 hours:

Melissa Bryant:

Nicole Haghdoust:

While cell phones, smartphones, and similar electronic communication devices are allowed on Putney programs, creating a tight-knit community within each group of students and leaders/teachers is a central goal of every trip.  These devices, by encouraging students to focus outside the group and by intruding on group activities, can seriously interfere with efforts to develop a sense of community.  For this reason, students’ use of electronic devices of all types is at the discretion of the program leaders/teachers, and is generally discouraged or prohibited for most of each day.  In some of the locations our groups visit, cell phone service is limited, or simply unavailable.